My Books

Washed-up life-coach, Mireille Parker, aged 37, is grounded at home in Perth, West Australia, the most isolated city in the world. She can’t date or travel, she can’t escape! For the first time in her life she just has to BE. HERE. NOW. Told with real journal entries, Love Queen : The Making of a Master is the true story of the transformative power of relationships and what we can learn along the way to create happiness and health in life and love.

=> Click here to get a sample or copy of Love Queen : The Making of a Master!

Sarah can’t escape herself, even overseas. Will she call hot Oliver? Who doesn’t even know she’s there! But who is this beautiful artist Bonnie? Set in Lucerne, Switzerland, and starring a travel agent from Perth, Australia, Wonderlust is a unique modern philosophical romance about creative women.

Get Wonderlust here!

Sarah can’t escape herself, even overseas. Will she call hot Oliver? Who doesn’t even know she’s there! But who is this beautiful artist Bonnie? Set in Lucerne, Switzerland, and starring a travel agent from Perth, Australia, Wonderlust is a unique modern philosophical romance about creative women.

=> Click here to get a sample or copy of Wonderlust!

This Full Moon & the Power of your Desires


Do you know what you really want?

This full moon on Wednesday July 1st is in Capricorn, the sign of ambition and diligence, and it heralds an amazing time for career and also love, with Jupiter and Venus going conjunct on the same day. I’ve been learning so much about astrology (as well as the body) recently from my Kundalini teacher, Paula, at her nightly yoga classes at Sowilo Soul Centre. In Paula’s words,

“This Full Moon is best used to reaffirm within ourselves what our vision is. Use the magic of Venus and Jupiter to allow it to explode into technicolour. Write it down. Visualise it. See it, in all of it’s glory, so that when the pieces come together, you are creating from the heart the truth of what you see.”

The full moon though can be a time when we feel erratic and ungrounded. Perhaps, like me, you don’t sleep so well. You might have lots of creative ideas, but feel scattered and not know where to direct your energy.

The moon effects the tides so why not us? We are composed of around 70% water, just like the earth. And water too is an element of the Feminine Essence. Water flows and takes the path of least resistance. Water  is deep and fluid like our emotions.

Our bodies are naturally synchronized in cycles with the moon (you can read more about this by clicking here), and it is also a symbol of the feminine. The moon represents our unconscious minds and our intuitive, emotional reactions.

And just like the moon being mysterious and marked with shadows, the full moon can also bring out our shadow side – compulsive behaviours (hello!). With this awareness we can work to love our ‘dark side’ or just hold tight, recognize it and ride it out.

But what else can we do during this potent time?

How can we harness the energy of this full moon to manifest our desires?

Recently I brought my vision out from inside me and into the world – holding the first of three Healthy and Powerfully Feminine workshops. It was a big step for me because it meant stepping out from behind the computer and really and truly claiming a life that is true to myself.

I’d love to share with you a couple of the practices I incorporated so that you can hold and create your vision and keep your calm and focus during this astrologically invigorating time.




Harnessing The Power of your Desires

Know what your true desire is. What’s the one thing you really want to do? Connect to it. There’s so much power in this clarity. Too many people spend their lives merely wishing or vaguely desiring many things without real focus. There were many things I could’ve done but I knew that holding in-person events and connecting with people on a deep level was the real desire that lit my belly and ignited sparks in my heart.

Often we have learned at a young age though that it’s wrong to ask for what we want, and we spend our lives going for ‘second-best’, settling with ‘good enough’ and ‘making do’. Our logical minds convince us that it’s enough, but there’s no real power in that. We resist asking for our desires and instead focus our energies into areas such as excessive people-pleasing. No wonder we feel droopy.

In coaching, you get to really clarify and focus on what you want to create and remove the emotional blocks you have to asking for and receiving it. This is also something experienced in the Healthy and Powerfully Feminine workshop.

Start where you are at. Start at the beginning if that’s where you’re at. Look at how the people you admire started and take inspiration from that. So often we compare our beginning with someone’s middle or end and it paralyzes us. And perhaps during this full moon time you are feeling a compulsive pull towards comparing yourself to others. Don’t get sucked into the vortex of the internet. Take inspiration, but keep your eyes and heart focused on your path.

Get grounded in your body. Needless to say (because I have a sing-it-from-the-roof-tops attitude when it comes to the things I love), Kundalini yoga at the Sowilo Soul Centre in Fremantle has given me that. Preparing for the workshops means a lot of time spent on ‘putting it out there’, creating posts for Instagram and Facebook etc. When the creative channels are open, it can be hard to switch off. That’s why it’s so important to find practices that bring us back to ourselves and reconnect us to our spirit. Just you. Just me. Going inside for a while.

Pay attention to your vibe. As Gabby Bernstein says “Your vibe attracts your tribe”. The vibe you give off speaks much louder than the words you say. The sacral chakra (just below the naval and the element of which is also water) is the energy centre for manifesting our desires. It turns universal energy into manifesting energy (energy that attracts). The sacral chakra acts like a magnet to attract the reality that mirrors our thoughts and feelings.

In practical terms, what we think and how we behave affects our energy and what attract into our lives. So ask yourself – Who do I have to be to receive what I desire to create? Who is this woman? Who or what is draining my energy? Are there any thoughts I need to transform or behaviour I need to give up? What do I need to incorporate more of?

As well as receiving support, eating healthily and making self-care a non-negotiable, I also had to give up certain behaviour (and certain apps) that did not align with being healthy and powerfully feminine.

Focus on how you will make others feel. I’ve written before on the power of gratitude (read here) and focusing on our own feelings (read here) for manifesting our desires, but there is so much power in focusing on how others will feel.Whatever you desire will be a blessing to others too! While visualizing what you desire to make manifest, include the happy faces of those who will be so positively effected.

Preparing for the Healthy and Powerfully Feminine workshop, I kept imagining how much the women attending would love it and how much it would help them. If you would love to find out what it’s all about, click here for more information. The next workshops are on Wednesday July 8th from 7-9pm (Applecross) and Saturday July 11th from 1.30-4pm (Fremantle). If you are in Perth, I’d love you to come along!




So my loves, wishing you a wonderful full moon! Happy Manifesting!


Loving you wildly,

Mi xxx


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My Books:

How do you feel joy when life seemed so much better before? Told through real journal entries and illuminating tales, this hilarious, honest and emotional memoir is a journey across many nations into the transformative power of relationships, dating and illness, healing a split mind and obsessive personal development to be happy here and now. 

Get Love Queen : The Making of a Master here!

Sarah can’t escape herself, even overseas. Will she call hot Oliver? Who doesn’t even know she’s there! But who is this beautiful artist Bonnie? Set in Lucerne, Switzerland, and starring a travel agent from Perth, Australia, Wonderlust is a unique modern philosophical romance about creative women.

Get Wonderlust here!

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