My Books

Washed-up life-coach, Mireille Parker, aged 37, is grounded at home in Perth, West Australia, the most isolated city in the world. She can’t date or travel, she can’t escape! For the first time in her life she just has to BE. HERE. NOW. Told with real journal entries, Love Queen : The Making of a Master is the true story of the transformative power of relationships and what we can learn along the way to create happiness and health in life and love.

=> Click here to get a sample or copy of Love Queen : The Making of a Master!

Sarah can’t escape herself, even overseas. Will she call hot Oliver? Who doesn’t even know she’s there! But who is this beautiful artist Bonnie? Set in Lucerne, Switzerland, and starring a travel agent from Perth, Australia, Wonderlust is a unique modern philosophical romance about creative women.

Get Wonderlust here!

Sarah can’t escape herself, even overseas. Will she call hot Oliver? Who doesn’t even know she’s there! But who is this beautiful artist Bonnie? Set in Lucerne, Switzerland, and starring a travel agent from Perth, Australia, Wonderlust is a unique modern philosophical romance about creative women.

=> Click here to get a sample or copy of Wonderlust!

A simple tool to protect your energy + 3 ways you drain it

Feminine Power Mireille Parker Self-Love

It’s 4.30am as I write this! Today is the day that I travel to Bali and as you read this I will be there.

I’m spending 4 days on my own and 3 days with friends flying in from Ibiza and Sydney.

This will be a week of self-loving and wild-hearted adventures, massages, beauty treatments, creativity, time spent outside by the ocean or in lush tropical gardens and green green forests, slowing down, tuning in, resting, nurturing and devotion.

And fun!

Would you allow yourself to go away alone? Do you ever feel you require it?

Or desire it?

Because who said we have to only do things we need? What about what we want? You’re allowed to want what you want. Did anyone ever tell you that?

So what is it that you truly desire?

For 2016 I desire more support as I expand my business – because we just can’t do everything alone and maintain our energy levels.

We have to learn to delegate and make that ok – whether you are managing a business, your family or simply your life!

Oprah delegates.

And Oprah agrees that energy is everything!
Originally this Museletter was going to be about how to protect your energy from negative people and I even made a youtube video for you on how to do this. Click here to watch it! (eek!)

, but what seems to be the bigger drain is our enthusiasm to please and make everyone happy.

We give too much of ourselves away.

I found myself doing this majorly as a teacher. I would come home exhausted!

Then I found a method of protecting my energy and realised that by trying to manage everyone else awkwardness, I was stopping them from having their own journey.

Sometimes people have to feel awkward.

I started to let them.

Feminine energy is cultivated in the body and contained there so every time you reach out and lean forwards, you are giving it away.

Be aware of this – whether it’s to a person or a screen.

Lean back and get back into your power.
Another huge energy drain is…

Living in a way that doesn’t feel authentic.

This means compromising yourself to make others happy or because wanting what you want feels not allowed in some way.

Years ago when I went part-time as a teacher in order to write my novel, I remember someone couldn’t believe it because I didn’t have kids. I wasn’t a mother. So why would I choose to work part-time? How could I?

When we doubt whether it’s ok to want what we want or do things in a certain way, we will be presented with others who reflect this.

And we’ll feel annoyed by them!

We won’t be able to believe how negative they are!

But when we are confident in our decisions and the person we are, there may still be the naysayers, but they won’t bother us as much.

This is a huge one for many women but what you can do is surround yourself with more people who are cheering you on to greatness.

Also, when you have a dream that you are just starting out on, be careful who you share it with. Nurture it and keep it safe.

I only talked about my novel with a select few for years and years!

You don’t have to give all away.

The feminine is essence is both warm and mysterious.

Feel what it is like to embody the mystery.
The last one has come up recently with private clients…

Hanging onto the past and worrying about what you said.

When your mind is caught in that loop it’s a major major energy drain.

Recognize that these repetitive thoughts are simply habits or neural pathways and you can retrain your mind to think differently.

You can do practices to clear your mind and stay present and also do practices to let go of the past, such as writing a letter to express your feelings (but not sending it) and recognizing what that situation or person taught you.

You presence is your gift.

This is the gift I am giving myself this holiday season!

You too?

And for you… this video on how to protect your energy with a practice that I often use and recently shared in the Feminine Presence workshop. For you my love. Click here to watch it!

I think I may be a little better at speaking on video than a year ago when I decided to relieve the public of my youtubing 🙂

I’d love to hear from you as always. Let me know what you truly desire and how you are taking responsibility for your energy.

Wishing you a magical holiday time filled with your presence and joy!

Sending so much love!

From my wild heart to yours,

Mireille xxx

p.s. I’ll be taking a break from work and all other social media but I’ll be posting some of my self-romancing and wild-hearted adventures on Instagram. Click here and follow me if you’d like to come on the journey.


My Books:

How do you feel joy when life seemed so much better before? Told through real journal entries and illuminating tales, this hilarious, honest and emotional memoir is a journey across many nations into the transformative power of relationships, dating and illness, healing a split mind and obsessive personal development to be happy here and now. 

Get Love Queen : The Making of a Master here!

Sarah can’t escape herself, even overseas. Will she call hot Oliver? Who doesn’t even know she’s there! But who is this beautiful artist Bonnie? Set in Lucerne, Switzerland, and starring a travel agent from Perth, Australia, Wonderlust is a unique modern philosophical romance about creative women.

Get Wonderlust here!

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